Integrative Healthcare Services
We offer a compassionate and supportive environment where individuals and families can find the help they need to navigate life's challenges.
Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services
The Surgeon General’s Report estimates that up to 20% of youth experience mental health problems in any given year and approximately 75-80% of youth in need of treatment and support services do not receive adequate care. To close this gap we offer behavioral health services for children, adolescents, adults and families, providing a broad range of mental health services.
Our services include:
Behavioral modification provides comprehensive intervention to children and adolescents with mild to severe behavioral disturbances
Family Support Services designed to assist families to develop strategies for coping more effectively with problems resulting from behavioral health issues
Independent Living Skills (assisting with learning how to take care of home, i.e., laundry, meals, cleaning, etc.)
Family Mental Health Counseling
Jamison Consultants is committed to providing quality behavioral health & social services to our consumers and their families.
We offer:
School Based Counseling
Individual, group and family therapy
Medical management
Crisis management
Treating Today’s Most Common Mental Health Problems for Children, Adolescents, Teens and Families:
ADHD - Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) - Bipolar Disorder - Depression - Grief and loss - Self-esteem issues - Stress management issues - Early childhood mental health -Trauma and crisis - Alzheimer’s Disease-Case Management Services.
Individual Counseling Services
We offer compassionate care to meet the needs of individuals through our one-on-one counseling services. By taking an integrative approach to healthcare, our clinicians can connect individuals to a number of resources and services to ensure those we serve achieve optimal health.
Community Resource Case Management & Social Services
Community Resource Case Management/Social Services is a means for achieving beneficiary wellness through communication, education and services identification and referral. At Jamison Consultants we are dedicated to connecting individuals and families to resources they need to live a healthier more productive life.
Our Case Managers are trained to support:
Individuals with Intellectual and Related Disabilities
At Risk Children
Adults with Serious and Persistent Mental Illness
At Risk Pregnant Women and Infants
Individuals with Psychoactive Substance Disorder
Individuals at Risk for Genetic Disorders
Individuals with Head and Spinal Cord Injuries and Related Disabilities
Individuals with Sensory Impairments
Adults with Functional Impairments
• Individuals with intellectual and related disabilities
• At-risk children
• Adults with serious and persistent mental illness
• At-risk pregnant women and infants
• Individuals with psychoactive substance disorder
• Individuals at risk for genetic disorders
• Individuals with head and spinal cord injuries and related disabilities
• Individuals with sensory impairments
• Adults with functional impairments
• figure out what services you need
• help you get needed services
• help you with problems
• provide ongoing support
Your decision will not affect your right to access other Medicaid services you qualify for. If you say yes, you pick the provider whom you will work with. You also have the right to change Medicaid Targeted Case Management providers at any time. SCDHHS must be contacted to assist in making this change, so please get in touch with us at 803-722-0490.
If you are eligible and want to work with a MTCM provider, a list of enrolled/qualified providers will be shared with you. You must choose your provider. Participants and their legal representatives should interview prospective providers to assist in deciding who will best meet their needs. Sometimes a simple call with questions will help you make better choices about the care you receive.
• Think about what things are most important to you and/or your family member. Talk about these needs with the providers you contact.
• Ask them what role you and your family members have in planning services.
• Ask them why you should choose them as your provider.
• Ask how they will make sure you get the services you need.
• Ask how they will help you if you have problems with their services.
Psychological Evaluations and Assessments
Our skilled clinicians provide psychological evaluations and assessments to our clients in order to be better informed on how to best provide high quality care to our patients.
Rehabilitative Behavioral Health Services (RBHS)
We are proud to be a licensed provider of Rehabilitative Behavioral Health Services (RBHS) for both children and adults. Rehabilitative Behavioral Health Services, which use techniques and strategies to change someone’s behavior and actions, are available to all Medicaid beneficiaries diagnosed with mental health and/or a substance use disorder (SUD), as defined by the current edition of the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) or the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) who meet medical necessity criteria.
RBHS are services that are recommended by a physician or other licensed practitioner to help individuals achieve maximum reduction of physical or mental disabilities and help restore an individual to his or her best possible functional level. Our services include face-to-face sessions to help clients achieve and maintain stability and improve their physical, mental and emotional health.
Jamison Consultants Integrative Health Services is licensed to provide services for both children and adults, including those experiencing the following challenges:
Poor School Performance
Poor Attention Span
Behavior Issues
Single Parent Household
Poor Judgment
Hearing Voices
Drug/Alcohol Abuse
Child Abuse
Aggressive Behavior
Domestic Violence
Sleepless Nights
Suicidal Thoughts
Lack of Confidence
Learning Disability
Our RBHS services include Behavior modification, Family Support Services and Community Integration Services, and include the following:
An evaluation of the beneficiary for the presence of a mental illness. This assessment includes a comprehensive bio-psychosocial interview and review of relevant psychological, medical, and educational records, clinical interviews with the beneficiary, family members or guardians as appropriate, review of the presenting problems, symptoms and functional deficits, strengths, medical and educational records and history, including past psychological assessment report and records.
Planned face-to-face interventions intended to help the beneficiary achieve and maintain stability; improve their physical, mental, and emotional health; and cope with or gain control over the symptoms of their illness(es) and the effects of their disabilities.
An interpersonal, relational intervention directed towards increasing an individual’s sense of well-being and reducing subjective discomforting experience. IP may be psychotherapeutic and/or therapeutically supportive in nature. IP involves planned therapeutic interventions that focus on the enhancement of a beneficiary’s capacity to manage his or her emotions and behaviors through effective decision making, developing and acquiring coping skills, making better choices and decisions regarding co-occurring substance abuse, achievement of personal goals, and development of self-confidence and self-esteem.
The therapist assists family members in developing a greater understanding of the beneficiary’s psychiatric and/or behavioral disorder and the appropriate treatment for this disorder, identifying maladaptive interaction patterns between family members and how they contribute to the beneficiary’s impaired functioning, and identifying and developing competence in utilizing more adaptive patterns of interaction. FP involves interventions with members of the beneficiary’s family unit (i.e., immediate or extended family or significant others) with or on behalf of a beneficiary to restore, enhance or maintain the family unit.
The group process allows members to offer each other support, share common experiences, identify strategies that have been successful for them, and to challenge each other’s behaviors and cognitions. The therapist guides the group to ensure the process is productive for all members and focuses on identified therapeutic issues .
Telephonic short-term service is to assist a beneficiary who is experiencing urgent or emergent marked deterioration of functioning related to a specific precipitant in restoring his or her level of functioning. Face to Face interventions for the reduction of the immediate personal distress experienced by the beneficiary.
Medication Management involves prescribing and then reviewing medications for their side effects. Medication Monitoring involves observing and encouraging people to take their medications as prescribed (frequently used with people with a poor compliance history). Administration, which is the actual giving of an oral medication by a licensed professional. Training, which educates beneficiaries and their families on how to follow the medication regime and the importance of doing so. Assess the need for beneficiaries to see the Physician.
Independent living skills development related to increasing the beneficiary’s ability to manage his or her illness, illness, to improve his or her quality of life, and to live as actively and independently in the community as possible.
Personal living skills development in the understanding and practice of daily and healthy living habits and self-care skills.
Interpersonal ST that enhances the beneficiary’s communication skills, ability to develop and maintain environmental supports, and ability to develop and maintain interpersonal relationships.
This service is provided to children and adolescents ages 0 to 21. The purpose of this face-to-face service is to provide the beneficiary with in vivo redirection and modeling of appropriate behaviors in order to enhance his or her functioning within the home or community. Shadowing (following and observation) a beneficiary in any setting is not reimbursable under Medicaid.
The goal of B-MOD is to alter patterns of behavior that are inappropriate or undesirable of the child or the adolescent. B-MOD involves the utilization of regularly scheduled interventions designed to optimize emotional and behavioral functioning in the natural environment through the application of clinically planned techniques that promote the development of healthy coping skills, adaptive interactions with others, and appropriate responses to environmental stimuli.
The service is provided to children and adolescents ages 0 to 21. The purpose of this face-to-face service is to enable the family or caregiver (parent, guardian, custodian or persons serving in a caregivers role) to serve as an engaged member of the beneficiary’s treatment team and to develop and/or improve the ability of the family or caregiver(s) to appropriately care for the beneficiary. Family Services is intended to be time-limited, and the intensity of services offered should reflect the scope of impairment. Services are generally more intensive and frequent at the beginning of treatment and are expected to decrease over time as the beneficiary’s and family/caregiver’s skills develop.
If you or anyone you know could benefit from any of these services, contact us today.
Our team will create a specific treatment plan consisting of a variety of services that can help improve you or your loved one’s quality of life.